Watnext® sparkling water coolers are characterised by their elegant design, ultra-compact dimensions and high-quality materials. Functional and efficient, they are connected to the water mains and dispense cold, sparkling and room temperature water. They are available as undercounter with a wide range of taps and counter top in different colours to suit every environment.
Ideale per la casa e per gli uffici, wat&co è l’innovativo erogatore d’acqua gasata e caffè espresso, utilizza un gruppo caffè made in Italy con cialda ø 44 oppure ø 38 su richiesta
Ideal for homes and offices, wat&co is the innovative machine for sparkling water and espresso coffee. Compact in size and with an exclusive design, wat&co uses a coffee group made in Italy with 44ø pod (38ø upon demand).
watsmart è il rivoluzionario erogatore d'acqua fredda e gasata Watnext®, Occupa spazi incredibilmente ridotti, disponibile nella versione sottozoccolo con un'altezza di soli cm 10,6.
watsmart is Watnext® revolutionary water dispenser for cold and carbonated water. It was completed after technical researches of more than 12 months, the time required to find suitable components for the type of product, until now not available on international markets.
wathome Osmo
Impianto ad osmosi inversa, a produzione diretta per casa e uffici. Disponibile nella versione sopra banco o sotto lavello, eroga acqua osmotizzata a temperatura ambiente, fredda e gasata.
Reverse osmosis unit with direct production for home and offices, equipped with high quality components and filters made in Italy.Available as counter top or under the sink, in 2 models 15 and 25 (capacity of cold and sparkling water) it dispenses osmotic water at room temperature, cold and sparkling.
Per i clienti più esigenti, Watnext® ha sviluppato il modello ad incasso watkitchen, l’erogatore d’acqua fredda/gasata/ambiente che occupa un modulo cucina standard da 60x50cm.
For the most demanding customers, Watnext® has developed the built-in model, for dispensing cold/sparkling/ambient water, ideal to be installed in a standard kitchen module 60x50cm.
I frigogasatori wathome per casa e piccoli uffici sono caratterizzati da design elegante, dimensioni ultra compatte e materiali pregiati, erogano acqua fredda, gasata e a temperatura ambiente.
wathome water coolers are defined by their elegant design,ultra-compact dimensions and high-quality materials. Functional and efficient, they are connected to the water supply and dispense cold, sparkling and room temperature water.
wathome plug&play
wathome25 plug&play è il dispenser di ultimissima generazione per l’erogazione di acqua fredda/gasata/ambiente per casa, ufficio e luoghi di lavoro in generale.
wathome25 plug&play is the latest generation dispenser for cold/sparkling/ambient water for home, office and workplaces in general.
wathot 4
Ideale per il settore domestico e per gli uffici, wathot4 è il boiler Watnext con una capacità di 4 litri, indispensabile per preparare te e tisane, cibi liofilizzati, etc.
Ideal for home and offices, wathot4 is Watnext's 4 litre capacity boiler, indispensable for preparing tea and herbal teas, dried food, etc.